Title Insurance is an extremely important part of buying your home. Sure, it might be new to you but the property still has a history you may not be aware of. Title Insurance covers you from problems you discover after closing on your home. While there are as many issues as you can imagine, as a title company in the Mansfield and Sandusky area we're going to talk a little about the ones our clients are at the most risk of experiencing. 1. Public Record Errors - Clerical or filing errors could affect the deer of your property and may cause a financial strain to undo them yourself. 2. Liens - Unknown liens come from a previous owner that is behind on their payments. The debt stays with the property regardless of who owns it. 3. Illegal Deeds - Occassionaly deeds are signed by people who affect their validity. Someone who is a minor or a person who has been rule unsound of the mind can affect the future chain of owner's rights. 4. Forgery - A document t...